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You may have already checked this, but I missed it when I searched thoroughly 
one time!  Make sure there are no spaces around the kitchen sink pipes where 
they go into the cabinetry or the floor.  I have found that pests of all sorts 
love these access holes.

Trey Crumpton
Village Manager
Mayborn Museum Complex
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97154
Waco, Texas  76798-7154
(254) 710-1190
Fax:  (254) 710-1105

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 4:05 PM
Subject: [pestlist]

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From: Appelbaum & Himmelstein <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:28:33 -0500
Subject: home invasion

I have an infestation of brown-banded cockroaches in my kitchen and dining 
room.  I found where the egg-sacs were - in a drawer of linens in the dining 
room - so I put the linens through a very hot washing cycle, took everything 
out of the stand-alone china cabinet, pulled the drawers out, and killed 
everything I found.  No activity for about a week, and now they're coming back 
- mostly in my kitchen, where I haven't been able to find any eggs. 

I pulled out my refrigerator and checked the coils, I've looked behind the 
pictures on the walls, unscrewed outlet covers, etc. -  no signs.  
Unlike my German friends, it doesn't seem that they are coming out of the 
walls; I am not finding any in kitchen cabinets.

I'm assuming that the ID is correct, although I've never seen one fly.  
They mostly hang out high up on walls, and are very placid - they don't run for 
it when someone comes close, they don't scatter when the lights are turned on, 
and I don't see them on my kitchen counters at night.  I don't  know what 
they're eating.

I would be eternally grateful for info!  Any suggestions?  

Barbara Appelbaum

Appelbaum & Himmelstein
444 Central Park West
New York, NY  10025
212-666-4630 (voice)
212-316-1039 (fax)

********************* end of message *****
********************* next message *******
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 18:49:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [pestlist] home invasion

How about giving us a photo of the critter.  Bown-banded cockroaches are no t 
that common.

Tom Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: Appelbaum & Himmelstein <>
To: pestlist <>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 5:29 pm
Subject: [pestlist] home invasion

This is a message from the Museumpests List.
To post to this list send it as an email to To 
unsubscribe please look at the footer of this email.
I have an infestation of brown-banded cockroaches in my kitchen and dining 
room.  I found where the egg-sacs were - in a drawer of linens in the dinin g 
room - so I put the linens through a very hot washing cycle, took everyth ing 
out of the stand-alone china cabinet, pulled the drawers out, and kille d 
everything I found.  No activity for about a week, and now they're coming  back 
- mostly in my kitchen, where I haven't been able to find any eggs.

I pulled out my refrigerator and checked the coils, I've looked behind the 
pictures on the walls, unscrewed outlet covers, etc. -  no signs.  Unlike m
y German friends, it doesn't seem that they are coming out of the walls; I 
am not finding any in kitchen cabinets.

I'm assuming that the ID is correct, although I've never seen one fly.  The
y mostly hang out high up on walls, and are very placid - they don't run fo
r it when someone comes close, they don't scatter when the lights are turne
d on, and I don't see them on my kitchen counters at night.  I don't  know 
what they're eating.

I would be eternally grateful for info!  Any suggestions?  

Barbara Appelbaum

Appelbaum & Himmelstein
444 Central Park West
New York, NY  10025
212-666-4630 (voice)
212-316-1039 (fax)


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From: Louis Sorkin <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 00:07:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [pestlist] home invasion

Actually brown-banded cockroaches are common in New York City, but that was
n't the case maybe 15 years ago.  German cockroaches were the number one sm
all roach at that time.
Lou Sorkin

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Tablet wrote:
This is a message from the Museumpests List.
To post to this list send it as an email to
To unsubscribe please look at the footer of this email.
How about giving us a photo of the critter.  Bown-banded cockroaches are no
t that common.

Tom Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: Appelbaum & Himmelstein <>
To: pestlist <>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 5:29 pm
Subject: [pestlist] home invasion

This is a message from the Museumpests List.
To post to this list send it as an email to<mailto>
To unsubscribe please look at the footer of this email.
I have an infestation of brown-banded cockroaches in my kitchen and dining 
room.  I found where the egg-sacs were - in a drawer of linens in the dinin
g room - so I put the linens through a very hot washing cycle, took everyth
ing out of the stand-alone china cabinet, pulled the drawers out, and kille
d everything I found.  No activity for about a week, and now they're coming
 back - mostly in my kitchen, where I haven't been able to find any eggs.

I pulled out my refrigerator and checked the coils, I've looked behind the 
pictures on the walls, unscrewed outlet covers, etc. -  no signs.  Unlike m
y German friends, it doesn't seem that they are coming out of the walls; I 
am not finding any in kitchen cabinets.

I'm assuming that the ID is correct, although I've never seen one fly.  The
y mostly hang out high up on walls, and are very placid - they don't run fo
r it when someone comes close, they don't scatter when the lights are turne
d on, and I don't see them on my kitchen counters at night.  I don't  know 
what they're eating.

I would be eternally grateful for info!  Any suggestions?

Barbara Appelbaum

Appelbaum & Himmelstein
444 Central Park West
New York, NY  10025
212-666-4630 (voice)
212-316-1039 (fax)<>

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