On Nov 23, 2011, at 18:28, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> I had a useful conversation with the MPICH guys today about the unstructured 
> communication primitives that Mark, Matt, Barry, and I have been discussing. 
> It's looking like we can do a very thin communication library that has the 
> nice semantics I was looking for, namely that the local-to-global is stored 
> only as indices in the local space. To implement the communication 
> primitives, the owner of a global node never needs to know how many or which 
> processes have that point in their local space. There is an MPI-3 feature 
> that we can use to elegantly avoid two-way knowledge for pointwise 
> gather/scatter. (We can always implement the same interface using vanilla 
> MPI-1, but the MPI-2/3 implementation would have less overhead.)
> If I/we write this layer, VecScatter (with arbitrary data types, etc) could 
> be implemented very easily on top of it. I'm in no rush to do this, but I 
> could imagine getting there eventually. The VecScatter interface allows some 
> things that might not be important. For example, any process can specify an 
> edge in the communication graph, even if it does not own the source or the 
> destination vertex. Also, both source and destination vertices can have 
> degree higher than one. We can even put a link between the same points twice 
> (effectively multiplying that contribution by 2 when using ADD_VALUES). I 
> don't know if this ever makes semantic sense, but the interface allows it.
> I wonder if we can express all useful communication with a more restrictive 
> interface similar to a local-to-global map (but mapping between any vectors) 
> where one side (typically called "local", but doesn't need to actually be a 
> local Vec) has at most one edge.
That would disallow accumulating a MAX "locally".
> What weird things do people use VecScatter for that might break with this 
> more restrictive model?

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