On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 18:48, Dmitry Karpeev <karpeev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I wonder if we can express all useful communication with a more
>> restrictive interface similar to a local-to-global map (but mapping between
>> any vectors) where one side (typically called "local", but doesn't need to
>> actually be a local Vec) has at most one edge.
>> That would disallow accumulating a MAX "locally".
> I don't know what you mean.

I mean that for a scatter (a,x) (a,y) with MAX_VALUES the result at a would
be the MAX of values at x and y.
With the new API that would be disallowed.  Also, if you allow (a,x) (b,x)
then you are effectively allowing (x,a) (x,b),
since you can emulate it with the reverse mode, unless you ban that too.

Say we have a scatter from X (sometimes "local") to Y (sometimes "global").
> One way to describe my communication graph is as a single-valued function
> on X (containing either the index into Y or NULL). I'm asking whether the
> single-valued constraint is too restrictive for some important use case.
> The primitives I can readily provide are
> broadcast from Y to X
> reduce values on X into Y (min, max, sum, replace, etc)
> gather values on X into arrays for each point in Y (in some ordering, rank
> ordering if you like)
> scatter values in arrays for each point in Y to the point in X
> These latter two involve a data structure that is as big as the number of
> sharing processes (because that is explicitly being requested), but are
> still implemented where the owner of that point in Y has no knowledge of
> which processes it is communicating with. With the capability of hardware
> RMA, this can actually be more efficient than if the two-sided graph was
> available (and it's less code and fewer data structures).
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