On 5 August 2010 00:39, Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4 August 2010 12:44, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> ?Lisandro,
>> ? ?We would like to help you make it possible for petsc4py to be installed 
>> by easyinstall and automatically install PETSc with it, thus making it 
>> trivial for Python users to start using petsc4py. How can we help make this 
>> happen?
> $ export PETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc
> $ export PETSC_ARCH=arch-name
> $ easy_install petsc4py
> This should work and be enough (at least on Linux)...

I confirm this works out of the box (on Linux) for prefix installs and
non-prefix builds of petsc-3.1

All this assuming a previous installation/build of PETSc is available.
Barry, Do you actually mean that "easy_install petsc4py" should handle
the download and build of core PETSc?

Lisandro Dalcin
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169

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