On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 20:35, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> VecCreate()
>>> VecSetType()
>>> VecSetGhosted()
> Is there a compelling reason for memory to be allocated before VecSetUp()?
> Deferring it would make it easier to specify what memory to use or specify
> ghosting in any order.
> My preference is that ghosting is orthogonal to type, to the extent that
> it would make sense for the storage format (non-contiguous AMR grids might
> not be).

I don't like this because it would mean calling VecSetUp() all over the
place. Couldn't the ghosting flag be on the same
level as the sizes?


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