On Jan 9, 2013, at 7:17 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Libmesh just moved to github as well.
> I think if you carefully consider the branching model, it has a clear 
> advantage over everything else. Dusty Phillips put it nicely in his recent 
> blog post [1]:
> Git branches are simple and elegant. Mercurial branches are? well, it depends 
> what kind of branch you want. You do know what kind of branch you want, right?

   Branches are the work of the devil and should be avoided at all cost :-)

> Fortunately, his project "gitifyhg" is now usable. [2]
> As for consensus shifting towards git, I know only a few people that have 
> used both seriously and still prefer Hg. Meanwhile, there are a ton of 
> serious Python folks that prefer git (Lisandro, Andy Terrel, SciPy, NumPy, 
> PyClaw, etc).
> [1] 
> http://archlinux.me/dusty/2012/12/18/four-ways-to-do-local-lightweight-git-style-branches-in-mercurial/
> [2] http://archlinux.me/dusty/2013/01/06/gitifyhg-rewritten/
1)   If Satish and you can come up with (or point me to) a mapping from my 
current hg workflow (which is pretty dang simple-minded) to how I would do 
things correctly in Git (and I am satisfied with that mapping) and

2)  There is a way to translate our current hg repository to git without losing 
information and

3)  We can continue to use bitbucket more or less that same way as now (or is 
there a reason to shift to github and it has decent "project" support?)? 

 Then I would consider switching over to git and proceeding to make fun of hg 


> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>   Yes but given their absolutely horrible decision to stick with SVN all 
> these years I cannot trust their decision to go with GIT. Sadly this is a 
> very big argument for NOT switching PETSc to GIT. This email is only partly 
> in jest, it has a serious component as well: is the "everyone's switching to 
> git" just a case of the sheeple following the latest new thing without a 
> proper technical evaluation or is it a carefully thought out decision?
>    Barry
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> > Everyone's doing it. ;-)
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Dave Goodell <goodell at mcs.anl.gov>
> > Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 6:23 PM
> > Subject: [mpich-discuss] MPICH migration to git
> > To: discuss at mpich.org
> >
> >
> > MPICH users & developers,
> >
> > The MPICH project has transitioned from using SVN as our version control 
> > system (VCS) to using git instead.  Details of the switch are described 
> > here:
> >
> > http://wiki.mpich.org/mpich/index.php/Git
> >
> > Highlights from the document and the transition:
> >
> > * Read-only git clones are available at http://git.mpich.org/mpich.git and 
> > git://git.mpich.org/mpich.git
> > * All critical history from SVN has been imported into the git history.
> > * The SVN server and its associated history are not going away, although it 
> > has been made read-only.
> >
> > We continue to work through our documentation and automated processes (cron 
> > jobs, etc.) to update them to the new system.  Our trac instance will 
> > transition to understand the new VCS soon, although it currently displays 
> > only historical SVN data.
> >
> > Please bear with us as we work through this transition period.  If you have 
> > trouble with the new setup, please contact devel at mpich.org or discuss at 
> > mpich.org for assistance.
> >
> > Regards,
> > The MPICH Team
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> > discuss mailing list     discuss at mpich.org
> > To manage subscription options or unsubscribe:
> > https://lists.mpich.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> >

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