On Thu, 24 Jan 2013, Matthew Knepley wrote:

> > We do support this install with DESTDIR. It might have rough edges -
> > but its supporsed to work the same way any other package that supports
> > it.
> >
> > One difference though is - since we also suppor the alternate
> > orngaization [default] for inplace install with PETSC_ARCH - one has
> > to use this PETSC_ARCH during the prefix build process aswell.  [but
> > then PETSC_ARCH is nolonger used/needed after that]
> >
> > i.e
> > configure
> > --prefix=/opt/petsc/compiler/mpi/interconnect/petsc-version/arch1
> > PETSC_ARCH=build1
> > make PETSC_ARCH=build1 all
> > make install PETSC_ARCH=build1 install DESTDIR=/tmp/dest1
> > <package up from DESTDIR, and install as root:>
> > Now user does:
> > make PETSC_DIR=/opt/petsc/compiler/mpi/interconnect/petsc-version/arch1 ex1
> >
> > configure [different options]
> > --prefix=/opt/petsc/compiler/mpi/interconnect/petsc-version/arch2
> > PETSC_ARCH=build2
> > make PETSC_ARCH=build2 all
> > make install PETSC_ARCH=build2 install DESTDIR=/tmp/dest2
> > <package up from DESTDIR, and install as root:>
> > Now user does:
> > make PETSC_DIR=/opt/petsc/compiler/mpi/interconnect/petsc-version/arch2 ex1
> >
> Satish, would you mind putting this little blurb on the installation page
> in the section about
> using prefix? I could not find this anywhere in our documentation.

[and updated website with it]


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