This is a good heads-up for me. Actually I wanted that our adjoint models could 
handle forward integrations like this:

Then the reverse run would look like:

This flexibility should be very useful for “funky systems”. 

On Feb 8, 2015, at 8:41 PM, Barry Smith <> wrote:

>  If the number of degrees of freedom do not change and they have essentially 
> the same "meaning" regardless of which process they are on then we can "hide" 
> inside the Vec object (and Mat object) the fact that they move around between 
> processors so TS shouldn't care.
>  BUT note that if the user manages the calling of TSStep() themselves then 
> the user has to similarly manage calling the TSAdjointStep() stuff correctly 
> themselves backwards. And if they are ad hoc combining TSStep() for the field 
> with some "push particle" crap for the particles then likely all the 
> TSAdjoint stuff goes out the window. Hence my desire for TS to treat the 
> entire field+particle stuff as one "big old" set of ODEs so users get all the 
> good stuff (like Adjoints and proper coupled error control) for free.
>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 8:29 PM, Dmitry Karpeyev <> wrote:
>> This is a bit off-topic, but I'm dealing exactly with this sort of "funky 
>> system" -- particles+field.
>> Since degrees of freedom do move between processors, it's unclear how it 
>> fits into the current 
>> TS framework short of rebuilding the TS every timestep. That's a bit 
>> inconvenient, since now I 
>> have to do my own error and timestep size control etc.  It might be too late 
>> to do anything about 
>> TS to help this, but I'm also hoping to use TSAdjoint with this system, so 
>> it may be good -- before 
>> TSAdjoint becomes to rigidly entrenched -- to think about how to accommodate 
>> these systems.
>> On Sun Feb 08 2015 at 8:16:30 PM Barry Smith <> wrote:
>>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 8:11 PM, Jed Brown <> wrote:
>>> Barry Smith <> writes:
>>>>  Why can't TS handle that? Users always prefer to use the lowest
>>>>  level thing available, that doesn't mean it is right.
>>>>  In the language of TS what does a "funky system, liked mixed
>>>>  particle-field," mean, does it require a little more API on our
>>>>  side? I'm much rather have Emil and Jed control the time-stepping
>>>>  then some ignorant user.
>>> Dofs move to different processes at each stage.  That isn't compatible
>>> with Vec.  Do we need to overhaul Vec before users can integrate such a
>>> system?
>>   Well eventually.
>>> Practicality wins over purity.
>>  I never said remove TSStep() or make it completely private. I just want to 
>> limit its use to when it is really needed by the user.

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