Barry Smith <> writes:

>> On Oct 10, 2016, at 7:09 PM, Jed Brown <> wrote:
>> Barry Smith <> writes:
>>>  Funny, I thought Jed said I stripped out all the PAPI stuff? Maybe I
>>>  should really strip it out, has not been used in years and as Jed
>>>  says it has Jack's slimeprints on it.
>> I haven't touched it.
>     I know you didn't touch it. You said I (meaning Barry) stripped it out.

I blame it on memory loss in my old age.

>>  Looks like you added it in 2009.  I think we had
>> a mailing list thread on it around that time.
>> Counting flops with hardware counters is really error-prone on current
>> hardware.  I don't think we should ever trust it for linear algebra.  It
>> would perhaps be handy for people implementing their physics and
>> discretizations, but the numbers may vary widely based on compiler/flag
>> choices.
>    Independent of its reliability, I found the way of managing what was 
> reported through its API in 2009 was very cumbersome and thus just left what 
> little I had done in place and never pursued it. 
>    As I said in my other email I'm fine with PETSc's current logging that 
> gives one the "big picture" of what is taking time and what is doing well and 
> poorly and think one can just use external tools like vtune for focused 
> studies on kernels people are interested in. I got some push back from others 
> in follow up email; but didn't see any rational for the push back besides "it 
> would be nice if we had more logging..." :-(  I think people may 
> underestimate the amount of work and maintenance needed for PETSc to properly 
> manage more logging then we already do (there is already more lines of 
> convoluted logging code then I would ideally like to have).

I'm fine with actually removing it.  Advanced profiling is indeed a very 
complicated task.

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