On Tue, 1 Aug 2017, Franck Houssen wrote:

> How to clear (locally - on each MPI proc) all options related to a given 
> prefixed solver ? 

Note: 'locally' is not the correct way to look at this. Options for an object 
are collective on the MPI_Comm of that object.

> Say I have 2 solvers. I prefixed them "s1_" and "s2_" with 
> KSPSetOptionsPrefix to give them different options. 

What is the MPI scopre for these 2 solves? MPI_COMM_SELF or MPI_COMM_WORLD or 
something else?

> At the very beginning, I need to pass options for s1 and s2 as I don't know 
> how things will turn out. 
> Say, things turn out in such a way that s2 solve is not done (not necessary) 
> : at that time, how to clear these options (that will not be used) related to 
> s2 ? 
> In the doc, I see PetscOptionsLeft and PetscOptionsClearValue. I would need 
> something like PetscOptionsClearLeftValues locally on each proc (some proc 
> may need s2 so they must not clear options). Is this possible ? 

Perhaps the following alternatively would work?

if (conditional) KSPSetFromOptions(s2)


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