On Sun, 12 Nov 2017, Satish Balay wrote:

> [Starting a new thread for this]
> Tonight's builds will be on 'next-tmp' with:
> $ git fetch -p && comm -12 <(git branch -r --merged origin/next-tmp | sort) 
> <(git branch -r --no-merged origin/master | sort) |grep -v ' origin/next-tmp'
>   origin/barry/add-bcaste-log
>   origin/barry/fix-pastix-interface
>   origin/jed/variadic-malloc
>   origin/knepley/feature-plex-l2-projection
>   origin/stefano_zampini/feature-glvis-supportdmcomposite
>   origin/tmunson/tao-pounders-fix-code
> reference: branches are clean on es with
> ./bin/maint/buildtest arch-linux-cxx-cmplx-pkgs-64idx
> ./bin/maint/buildtest arch-linux-pkgs-opt

There are 2 issues:

1. Possible problem with chwirut1f_1 stdout, diffs above
This is from origin/tmunson/tao-pounders-fix-code

2.not ok diff-ts_tutorials-ex45_3d_q2_r3

I have no idea what is triggering this. [It will take a little while
for me to rebuild and reproduce - as the daybuild is now in progress]


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