Do you really need to use pnetcdf? No one uses it and what usefulness does it 
really provide, best to be avoided.


> On Dec 19, 2017, at 1:12 PM, Satish Balay <> wrote:
> parallel-netcdf-1.9.0.pre1/INSTALL has:
> 4. Reporting Installation or Usage Problems
> ===========================================
> Please send an email to
> <<<<<<
> We'll have to send in these bug reports.
> Satish
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2017, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>> The configure is broken, perhaps beyond fixing. I need to give --with-mpi
>> to get anything
>> to work because the way it checks for MPI is screwed up. I will see if I
>> can throw away all its idiotic configure stuff in favor of just telling it
>> everything, but I am not eager to depend on something so rickety.
>>   Matt

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