Thanks for suggestion. I am going to use a block-based amr. I think I need to 
know exactly the mesh distribution of blocks across different processors for 
implementation of amr.

And as a general question, can we set block size of vector on each rank?




From: Matthew Knepley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 11:04 PM
To: Mohammad Hassan <>
Cc: PETSc <>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] DMPlex Distribution


On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 9:27 AM Mohammad Hassan via petsc-users 
< <> > wrote:


I am using DMPlexCreateFromDAG() to construct my DM. Is it possible to set the 
distribution across processors manually. I mean, how can I set the share of dm 
on each rank (local)?


You could make a Shell partitioner and tell it the entire partition:


However, I would be surprised if you could do this. It is likely that you just 
want to mess with the weights in ParMetis.










What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is 
infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener <> 

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