On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 2:44 PM Sajid Ali <sajidsyed2...@u.northwestern.edu>

> Hi Hong,
> Apologies for creating unnecessary confusion by continuing the old thread
> instead of creating a new one.
> While I looked into converting the complex PDE formulation to a real
> valued formulation in the past hoping for better performance, my concern
> now is with TAO being incompatible with complex scalars. I would've
> preferred to keep the complex PDE formulation as is (given that I spent
> some time tuning it and it works well now) for cost function and gradient
> evaluation while using TAO for the outer optimization loop.
> Using TAO has the obvious benefit of defining a multi objective cost
> function, parametrized as a fit to a series of measurements and a set of
> regularizers while not having to explicitly worry about differentiating the
> regularizer or have to think about implementing a good optimization scheme.
> But if it converting the complex formulation to a real formulation would
> mean a loss of well conditioned forward solve (and increase in solving time
> itself), I was wondering if it would be better to keep the complex PDE
> formulation and write an optimization loop in PETSc while defining the
> regularizer via a cost integrand.
What exactly is the problem with TAO and complex? Is it only for some



> Thank You,
> Sajid Ali | PhD Candidate
> Applied Physics
> Northwestern University
> s-sajid-ali.github.io

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