On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 8:45 AM Anton Popov <po...@uni-mainz.de> wrote:

> Hi Barry & Matt,
> thanks for your quick response. These options were exactly what I needed
> and expected:
> -pc_mg_galerkin pmat
> -pc_use_amat false
> I just assumed that it’s a default behavior of the PC object.
> So to clarify my case, I don't use nonlinear multigrid. Galerkin is
> expected to deal with Pmat only, and it's enough if Amat implements a
> matrix-vector product for the Krylov accelerator.
> Matt, the reason for switching Amat during the iteration is a quite common
> Picard-Newton combination. Jacobian matrix gives accurate updates close to
> the solution, but is rather unstable far form the solution. Picard matrix
> (approximate Jacobian) is quite the opposite – it’s kind of stable, but
> slow. So the idea is to begin the iteration with Picard matrix, and switch
> to the Jacobian later.
> If the assembled matrices are used, then the standard SNES interface is
> just perfect. I can decide how to fill the matrices. But I don’t bother
> with  Jacobian assembly and want to use a built-in MFFD approximation
> instead. I did quite a few tests previously and figured out that MFFD is
> practically the same as closed-from matrix-free Jacobian for the later
> stages of the iteration. The Picard matrix still does a good job as a
> preconditioner. But it is important to start the iteration with Picard and
> only change to MFFD later.
> Is my workaround with the shell matrix acceptable, or there is a better
> solution?
It is fine. However, I wonder if you have time to try out a slightly
different solution. I experimented with this, and it worked as well for me
as switching between
Picard and Newton. I made a SNESCOMPOSITE with Picard and Newton as the two
components. I made Newton take a single step, and then adjusted the
Picard steps a little.The additiveoptimal variant always converged for me,
and took the same or less time. I also used left preconditioning of Picard
by Newton,
but that is more involved, and for my simple problem was not a lot better.
The advantage I see is that both solves are not plain vanilla, and you do
not have any
switching logic.



> Thanks,
> Anton
> On 13.06.21 20:52, Barry Smith wrote:
>   Anton,
>   -pc_mg_galerkin pmat
>   Though it seems simple, there is some subtly in swapping out matrices
> with SNES.
>   When using multigrid with SNES there are at least five distinct uses of
> the Jacobian operator.
>    - Perform matrix-vector product in line search to check Wolf
>       sufficient decrease convergence criteria
>       - Perform the matrix-vector product for the Krylov accelerator of
>       the system
>       - Perform smoothing on the finest level of MG
>       - Perform the matrix-vector product needed on the finest level of
>       MG to compute the residual that will be restricted to the coarser level 
> of
>       multigrid
>       - When using Galerkin products to compute the coarser grid operator
>       performing the Galerkin matrix triple product
> when one swaps out the mat, which of these do they wish to change? The
> first two seem to naturally go together as do the last three. In your case
> I presume you want to swap for the first two, but always use pmat for the
> last three? To achieve this you will also need -pc_use_amat  false
> If you run with -info and -snes_view it will print out some of the
> information about which operator it is using for each case, but probably
> not all of them.
> Note: if the pmat is actually an accurate computation of the Jacobian then
> it is likely best not to ever use a matrix-free product. It is only when
> pmat is approximated in some specific way that using the matrix-free
> product would be useful to insure the "Newton" method actually computes a
> Newton step.
> Barry
> On Jun 13, 2021, at 11:21 AM, Matthew Knepley <knep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM Anton Popov <po...@uni-mainz.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want a simple(?) thing. I want to decide and be able to assign the
>> Jacobian matrix (Amat) on the fly within the FormJacobian function (i.e.
>> during Newton iteration) to one of the following options:
>> 1) built-in MFFD approximation
>> 2) assembled preconditioner matrix (Pmat)
>> I have not found this scenario demonstrated in any example, therefore
>> I’m asking how to do that.
>> Currently I do the following:
>> 1) setup Amat as a shell matrix with a MATOP_MULT operation that simply
>> retrieves a matrix object form its context and calls MatMult on it.
>> 2) if I need MFFD, I put a matrix generated with MatCreateSNESMF in the
>> Amat context (of course I also call MatMFFDComputeJacobian before that).
>> 3) if I need Pmat, I simply put Pmat in the Amat context.
>> 4) call MatAssemblyBegin/End on Amat
>> So far so good.
>> However, shell Amat and assembled Pmat generate a problem if Galerkin
>> multigrid is requested as a preconditioner (I just test on 1 CPU):
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: MatPtAP requires A, shell, to be compatible with P,
>> seqaij (Misses composed function MatPtAP_shell_seqaij_C)
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatPtAP()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatGalerkin()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetUp_MG()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #4 PCSetUp()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 KSPSetUp()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #6 KSPSolve()
>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #8 SNESSolve()
>> It seems like PETSc tries to apply Galerkin coarsening to the shell Amat
>> matrix instead of the assembled Pmat. Why?
>> Pmat is internally generated by SNES using a DMDA attached to SNES, so
>> it has everything to define Galerkin coarsening. And it actually works
>> if I just get rid of the shell Amat.
>> I can get around this problem by wrapping a PC object in a shell matrix
>> and pass it as Pmat. This is a rather ugly approach, so I wonder how to
>> resolve the situation in a better way, if it is possible.
> Hi Anton,
> You are correct that there is no specific test, so I can believe that a
> bug might be lurking here.
> I believe the way it is supposed to work is that you set the type of
> Galerkin coarsening that you
> want
> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/PC/PCMGSetGalerkin.html
> So I am thinking you want 'pmat' only, and you would be in charge of
> making the coarse MFFD operator
> and telling PCMG about it. I could imagine that you might want us to
> automatically do that, but we would
> need some way to know that it is MFFD, and with the scheme above we do not
> have that.
> What is the advantage of switching representations during the Newton
> iteration?
>   Thanks,
>      Matt
>> Thanks.
>> Anton
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>

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