On 14.06.21 15:04, Dave May wrote:

Hi Anton,
Hi Dave,

On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 at 14:47, Anton Popov <po...@uni-mainz.de <mailto:po...@uni-mainz.de>> wrote:

    Hi Barry & Matt,

    thanks for your quick response. These options were exactly what I
    needed and expected:

    -pc_mg_galerkin pmat
    -pc_use_amat false

    I just assumed that it’s a default behavior of the PC object.

    So to clarify my case, I don't use nonlinear multigrid. Galerkin
    is expected to deal with Pmat only, and it's enough if Amat
    implements a matrix-vector product for the Krylov accelerator.

    Matt, the reason for switching Amat during the iteration is a
    quite common Picard-Newton combination. Jacobian matrix gives
    accurate updates close to the solution, but is rather unstable far
    form the solution. Picard matrix (approximate Jacobian) is quite
    the opposite – it’s kind of stable, but slow. So the idea is to
    begin the iteration with Picard matrix, and switch to the Jacobian

    If the assembled matrices are used, then the standard SNES
    interface is just perfect. I can decide how to fill the matrices.
    But I don’t bother with  Jacobian assembly and want to use a
    built-in MFFD approximation instead. I did quite a few tests
    previously and figured out that MFFD is practically the same as
    closed-from matrix-free Jacobian for the later stages of the
    iteration. The Picard matrix still does a good job as a
    preconditioner. But it is important to start the iteration with
    Picard and only change to MFFD later.

    Is my workaround with the shell matrix acceptable, or there is a
    better solution?

Given what you write, it sounds like you already have a good heuristic for when to switch from Picard to Newton, Hence I think the simplest option is just to use two seperate SNES objects - one for performing Picard and one for Newton.

Yes, I considered this option initially. Sometimes it is necessary to switch back and forth between the methods, so it becomes a bit messy to organize this in the code.

But maybe if Newton fails after Picard, I should just reduce the time step and restart, instead of switching back to Picard. Thanks, Dave.



The stopping condition for the Picard object would encode your heuristic to abort earlier when the solution was deemed sufficiently accurate.



    On 13.06.21 20:52, Barry Smith wrote:


      -pc_mg_galerkin pmat

      Though it seems simple, there is some subtly in swapping out
    matrices with SNES.

      When using multigrid with SNES there are at least five distinct
    uses of the Jacobian operator.

          * Perform matrix-vector product in line search to check
            Wolf sufficient decrease convergence criteria
          * Perform the matrix-vector product for the Krylov
            accelerator of the system
          * Perform smoothing on the finest level of MG
          * Perform the matrix-vector product needed on the finest
            level of MG to compute the residual that will be
            restricted to the coarser level of multigrid
          * When using Galerkin products to compute the coarser grid
            operator performing the Galerkin matrix triple product

    when one swaps out the mat, which of these do they wish to
    change? The first two seem to naturally go together as do the
    last three. In your case I presume you want to swap for the first
    two, but always use pmat for the last three? To achieve this you
    will also need -pc_use_amat  false

    If you run with -info and -snes_view it will print out some of
    the information about which operator it is using for each case,
    but probably not all of them.

    Note: if the pmat is actually an accurate computation of the
    Jacobian then it is likely best not to ever use a matrix-free
    product. It is only when pmat is approximated in some specific
    way that using the matrix-free product would be useful to insure
    the "Newton" method actually computes a Newton step.


    On Jun 13, 2021, at 11:21 AM, Matthew Knepley <knep...@gmail.com
    <mailto:knep...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM Anton Popov <po...@uni-mainz.de
    <mailto:po...@uni-mainz.de>> wrote:


        I want a simple(?) thing. I want to decide and be able to
        assign the
        Jacobian matrix (Amat) on the fly within the FormJacobian
        function (i.e.
        during Newton iteration) to one of the following options:

        1) built-in MFFD approximation
        2) assembled preconditioner matrix (Pmat)

        I have not found this scenario demonstrated in any example,
        I’m asking how to do that.

        Currently I do the following:

        1) setup Amat as a shell matrix with a MATOP_MULT operation
        that simply
        retrieves a matrix object form its context and calls MatMult
        on it.

        2) if I need MFFD, I put a matrix generated with
        MatCreateSNESMF in the
        Amat context (of course I also call MatMFFDComputeJacobian
        before that).

        3) if I need Pmat, I simply put Pmat in the Amat context.

        4) call MatAssemblyBegin/End on Amat

        So far so good.

        However, shell Amat and assembled Pmat generate a problem if
        multigrid is requested as a preconditioner (I just test on 1

        [0]PETSC ERROR: MatPtAP requires A, shell, to be compatible
        with P,
        seqaij (Misses composed function MatPtAP_shell_seqaij_C)
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatPtAP()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatGalerkin()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetUp_MG()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #4 PCSetUp()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 KSPSetUp()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #6 KSPSolve()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #7 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS()
        [0]PETSC ERROR: #8 SNESSolve()

        It seems like PETSc tries to apply Galerkin coarsening to
        the shell Amat
        matrix instead of the assembled Pmat. Why?

        Pmat is internally generated by SNES using a DMDA attached
        to SNES, so
        it has everything to define Galerkin coarsening. And it
        actually works
        if I just get rid of the shell Amat.

        I can get around this problem by wrapping a PC object in a
        shell matrix
        and pass it as Pmat. This is a rather ugly approach, so I
        wonder how to
        resolve the situation in a better way, if it is possible.

    Hi Anton,

    You are correct that there is no specific test, so I can believe
    that a bug might be lurking here.
    I believe the way it is supposed to work is that you set the
    type of Galerkin coarsening that you


    So I am thinking you want 'pmat' only, and you would be in
    charge of making the coarse MFFD operator
    and telling PCMG about it. I could imagine that you might want
    us to automatically do that, but we would
    need some way to know that it is MFFD, and with the scheme above
    we do not have that.

    What is the advantage of switching representations during the
    Newton iteration?




-- What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
    experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to
    which their experiments lead.
    -- Norbert Wiener


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