On Sunday, August 11, 2002, at 02:49  PM, Amir Seyavash Mesry wrote:

> But I will try to explain what I am wanting to do.
> My machine sends data on port 25 out, there is a rule for it to let the
> data out. But there is no corresponding rule to let the data in on port
> 25 to that ip. What I am trying to do is get pf to open up the
> corresponding incoming port when the outgoing port has been opened.
> Another words one rule that encompasses all ports so that when the data
> is sent out on port 25 the pf opens that port for outgoing and then
> opens it for incoming as well.

Is there some reason you would not want to use a keep-state rule?  The 
way a state works is to open the return packet on the same interface -- 
but only for THAT connection ... so packets from IP2 are not 
automatically allowed in one port just because you are communicating on 
a that port with IP1.  If all you want to be able to do is to get the 
return packets in the same connection, use a stateful rule and you 
should be covered.

take care,

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