On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 05:34:19PM -0500, Juan Antonio Torres Zúñiga wrote:

> This mail it's for Daniel, Do you think write a book about PF? 

A whole book is a lot of work :) There's probably not a large enough
market for a traditionally published book (there aren't many paper books
about OpenBSD in general, even) and for a non-commercial publication,
time is the limit, as I can't afford that many weeks worth of unpaid
work. Also, there's the question of what topics to include. For people
familiar with TCP/IP[1] and BSD internals[2], pf documentation could be
more technical and concise, while making the basics of TCP/IP and BSD
accessable to readers without these preconditions would be more of a
challenge. Let's put it this way: I can always work on improving the man
pages and FAQ in smaller chunks, and if O'Reilly or AW comes knocking on
the door, I'll seriously think about it, but I don't hold my breath :)


[1] TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, The Protocols
    W. Richard Stevens, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201633469
[2] The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System
    McKusick, Bostic, Karels & Quarterman, Addison-Wesley,
    ISBN 0201549794

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