On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 11:45:02PM +0000, Roy Badami wrote:

> I don't understand.  Why is firewalling my FTP server a bad idea?

I agree with filtering any ports not needed, like privileged ports where
unneeded and potentially vulnerable services might listen which you
can't disable.

As for the port range used for passive ftp data connections, I think
it's not worth the effort to achieve the little additional security by

And it's not more than that. If someone exploits your ftpd, he can
easily transfer any data back and forth through the ftp control
connection (using legal commands and replies, if the ftp proxy is
clever), and tunnel anything through there.

If all you want to achieve is break a stupid exploit script that insists
on listening on port xyz (within the common range of ftp data ports),
just move the range.


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