On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Shawn Mitchell wrote:

> Anyone know what IP Addresses directpc.com uses?
> Apparently they use async routing... basicly spoofing ip addresses... and pf
> is killing them.
> I'm not going to allow them unless I know what addresses, and where their
> going to.
> I would just look at the logs..  but when your shoving about 70 mbit/sec
> through a box... you really can't see stuff  that fast...
> And what the piss is it with all these 445/137/139 scans???

short answer on those:

bugbear and Opaserv make up most of the 137,138 M$ nastyness
the 445 is real recent Iraq_oil.exe/Lioten

lovely windows boxes. grr 

Jason Houx

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