Daniel Hartmeier wrote,
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 12:25:57PM -0500, Michael Shalayeff wrote:
> > if i'm not mistaken n is the address length there...
> > so, regardless of the number of addresses in the set it's still
> > a constant for each address family...
> Oh, my bad, so it's O(1) like a hash table, I'll have to read about
> patricia some more, I see. :)
> I think Ryan thought about adding hashed address pools for source and
> destination addresses in filter rules, looks like this is about the
> same thing, then.

Just a suggestion ...

Take a peek at ternary trees for this kind of thing,


They have all the nice characteristics of Patricia trees, but are quite 
a bit simpler to construct and maintain.

One of the big advantages of both Patricia and Ternary trees over 
hashing is that they support searches for a prefix match (ie. matching 
a.b.c.d against a.b.c.0/24) very straightforwardly.



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