On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 09:51:48AM -0800, Adam Shephard wrote:

> They asked all of their users who were using IPTABLES
> to send in their list of rules with clear comments
> explaining each rules. Once it looked like everything
> was received, they sent out a zip files containing all
> the files.
> Any interest in something like that for pf?

I can't speak for the subscribers, you'd have to comment on whether
you'd like to do this on the mailing list itself.

Maybe a Wiki like http://www.obsd.pronym.org/wiki/ would be simpler,
people could just put their rulesets on a page and others could edit
them and add comments inline.

We tend to get a fair amount of requests of the type "here's my ruleset,
please comment on it". If everyone is willing to contribute their
comments (and not just post their rulesets, waiting for comments, not
reading other poster's rules), I guess it would be useful, and we might
collect the most interesting rulesets for the documentation.

So, I'm willing to contribute, but I'm not offering to review two dozen
uncommented production rulesets all by myself :)


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