On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 02:38:45PM +0200, Primo? Gabrijel?i? wrote:
> > > Great!  Hopefully this will hold for everyone else who's testing it.
> > 
> > same here, works great with a saturated link. i can upload with full speed
> > and it doesn´t slow down my downloads at all!
> > okay, surfing around while uploading is slower than normal, but thats
> > something we have to live with, right?
> After all positive feedback - is there any chance we can see this submitted
> to -stable? I think quite some people would applaud to that.

I intend to get that into -current soonish.

it's not really a -stable thing - only bugfixes go to -stable.

Henning Brauer, BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

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