Absolutely you need a pass. the block/pass is part of the firwalling section of pf, the rdr is part of the nat functionality. So using rdr in conjuction with block all won't work unless you explicitly pass that traffic as well. Clear as mud? :-)


Jay Moore wrote:


I am confused on a point; hoping someone here can clear this up for me. The rules
below are in use on my mail server & appear to be working OK. However, they did not
work until I added the rule shown just below the comment line:
"# Allow the spamd connections"

If I have a redirect as I do, why do I need a rule that allows the redirect to
actually take place?

Put another way: do I need the redirect with the pass rule for spamd?

Jay Moore

=============== begin pf.conf ===============
# These rules for a mail server

AllowTcpIn="{ 22, 25, 113 }"
AllowUdpIn="{ }"

NoRouteIPs="{,,, }"

table <spamd> persist

# options
set block-policy return
set loginterface $ExtIF

# scrub
scrub in all

# redirection rule for spamd; send scum to tarpit :)
# make sure spamd is started in rc & setup w/ spamd-setup
rdr inet proto tcp from <spamd> to any port smtp -> port 8025

# filter rules - default deny everything
block all

# Allow loopback packets
pass quick on $LoopBk all

# Allow the spamd connections -->> ?? WHY ?? <<--
pass in on $ExtIF inet proto tcp from <spamd> to port 8025 \
    flags S/SA keep state

# block RFC 1918 addresses from entering or exiting ext_if
# "block drop" -> don't respond w/ TCP RST or ICMP Unreachable packet
# block drop in  quick on $ExtIF from $NoRouteIPs to any
# block drop out quick on $ExtIF from any to $NoRouteIPs

# open ports we want accessible from Internet
pass in on $ExtIF inet proto tcp from any to $ExtIF port $AllowTcpIn \
    flags S/SA keep state

# pass required ICMP traffic
pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $AllowIcmpIn keep state

# pass traffic out on the interface
pass out on $ExtIF proto tcp all modulate state flags S/SA
pass out on $ExtIF proto { udp, icmp } all keep state
================ end pf.conf ================

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