Bryan Irvine said:

> Absolutely you need a pass.  the block/pass is part of the firwalling
> section of pf, the rdr is part of the nat functionality.  So using rdr
> in conjuction with block all won't work unless you explicitly pass that
> traffic as well.  Clear as mud?  :-)

OK - I see that firewalling must support the NAT/rdr's. But why won't this rule work
without benefit of the redirect? It appears all the required info is there - the
spamd table tells the rule which IPs are affected, and where they go in event of a

pass in on $ExtIF inet proto tcp from <spamd> to port 8025 \
     flags S/SA keep state


> Jay Moore wrote:
>>I am confused on a point; hoping someone here can clear this up for me. The rules
>>below are in use on my mail server & appear to be working OK. However, they did not
>>work until I added the rule shown just below the comment line:
>>"# Allow the spamd connections"
>>If I have a redirect as I do, why do I need a rule that allows the redirect to
>>actually take place?
>>Put another way: do I need the redirect with the pass rule for spamd?
>>Jay Moore
>>=============== begin pf.conf ===============
>># These rules for a mail server
>>AllowTcpIn="{ 22, 25, 113 }"
>>AllowUdpIn="{ }"
>>NoRouteIPs="{,,, }"
>>table <spamd> persist
>># options
>>set block-policy return
>>set loginterface $ExtIF
>># scrub
>>scrub in all
>># redirection rule for spamd; send scum to tarpit :)
>># make sure spamd is started in rc & setup w/ spamd-setup
>>rdr inet proto tcp from <spamd> to any port smtp -> port 8025
>># filter rules - default deny everything
>>block all
>># Allow loopback packets
>>pass quick on $LoopBk all
>># Allow the spamd connections -->> ?? WHY ?? <<--
>>pass in on $ExtIF inet proto tcp from <spamd> to port 8025 \
>>     flags S/SA keep state
>># block RFC 1918 addresses from entering or exiting ext_if
>># "block drop" -> don't respond w/ TCP RST or ICMP Unreachable packet
>># block drop in  quick on $ExtIF from $NoRouteIPs to any
>># block drop out quick on $ExtIF from any to $NoRouteIPs
>># open ports we want accessible from Internet
>>pass in on $ExtIF inet proto tcp from any to $ExtIF port $AllowTcpIn \
>>     flags S/SA keep state
>># pass required ICMP traffic
>>pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $AllowIcmpIn keep state
>># pass traffic out on the interface
>>pass out on $ExtIF proto tcp all modulate state flags S/SA
>>pass out on $ExtIF proto { udp, icmp } all keep state
>>================ end pf.conf ================

mis·cel·la·ne·ous adjective
Abbr. misc.

1.Made up of a variety of parts or ingredients.
2.Having a variety of characteristics, abilities, or appearances.
3.Concerned with diverse subjects or aspects.

[From Latin miscellaneus, from miscellus, mixed, from miscere, to mix.]

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