I've just noticed that in 3.4 the RST generated by a block in return-rst 
rule is being blocked on the way out by a catch all block out rule, 

  block return-rst in quick on $ext_if proto tcp \
    from any to $reachable_addrs port = ident

  block out log quick on $br_ext_if all    <-- RST blocked here

  [nb. ext_if is a member of a bridge, and all of the reachable_addrs
   belong to other hosts.]

As a workaround I've added an explict pass out rule,

  pass out quick on $ext_if proto tcp \
    from $reachable_addrs port = ident flags R/R

But this doesn't feel like it should be necessary ... shouldn't pf 
create a transient state for the outbound RST? Unless I missed it 
previously, it's also a change in behaviour from 3.3.

Bug or new feature?



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