Ingolf Zeiner Petersen wrote:
I've been trying i bit more since I wrote the first mail. I've been talking in the phone for about an hour now - with full upload (approx 10 torrent seeding from 2 computers i the LAN), and the conversation was close to perfect, I would say.
The interesting bit now is to see if anybody else get the same experience.
Here is some of my altq config. VoIP traffic has the highest priority, of course. Any comments are appreciated.
(256Kbit/s ADSL)
altq on rl1 priq bandwidth 170Kb queue { std_out, websrv_out, web_out, im_out, rdp_out, radio_out, ssh_out, dns_out, udp_gaming_out, ip_telefoni_out }
queue std_out           priq(default red) qlimit 1
queue websrv_out        priority 2 qlimit 1
queue rdp_out           priority 3 qlimit 1
queue web_out           priority 4 qlimit 1
queue im_out            priority 5 qlimit 1
queue radio_out         priority 6 qlimit 1
queue ssh_out           priority 7 qlimit 1
queue dns_out           priority 8 qlimit 1
queue udp_gaming_out    priority 11 qlimit 1
queue ip_telefoni_out   priority 15

(end-section pass-rules)
ip_telefon_fwd  = "{ 5060:5061, 16000:19999 }"
pass out on rl1 proto udp from any to any port $ip_telefon_fwd keep state queue ip_telefoni_out

I'm curious -- are you using NAT as well, or do you have enough IP addresses that you don't need NAT? I've had trouble getting my VOIP to be solid when I'm doing other stuff (downloading via HTTP) on the same connections. I use a similar configuration to yours.

     Chris 'Xenon' Hanson | Xenon @ 3D Nature |
 "I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
  and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and 
  activate the window, and watch the world go 'round." -Prime Mover, Rush.

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