Ingolf Zeiner Petersen wrote:

Matt Pearce wrote:

I run 1536/256 ADSL here and found that a figure or 205Kb is the upper limit for me (versus the 170Kb you have) , any more and the queue wont drop packets correctly, any less and i'm not getting the full bandwidth i'm paying for. If you have 256Kb try changing this figure and you might find you gain some extra speed.

Yeah, i know that i'm not getting the max out of my connection, but if i set it to anything over 200Kbit i get more lag/delay on the connection.

Thats odd, the only thing I can think of is a shoddy contention ratio or something is slightly misconfigured. One way to check what is actually going on is to continually run pfctl -sq -v , this will show you how full your queue is and how many packets have been dropped.

I had a play a while ago with the qlimit but I had it added into the "altq on rl1......" line, oddly it never changed a thing and never gave an error. Since seeing your qlimit statements i've been playing with it for the past couple of days and working on tuning and found a qlimit of 1 serverly limited queues and they never saw full bandwith potential. I found a good figure for me was 10 as opposed to a standard 50. My testing of the qlimit number had me pinging a local site while uploading with Azurues and watching its graph.

What where your ping-times?
Another thing: i'm trying to prioritize my outgoing icmp-packets.. and if I send 4 pings i get "8 packets" in pfctl -vs rules on the rule i made. I would think that "4 packets" would be more correct? *confused*

My ping times normally were 29-30ms but ranged from about 80-130ms while uploading flat out with Azureus although I found the true trial to be how well I could play games online. It turns out that it was *slightly* more laggy but not to bad on a whole. I'm not sure why you would be seeing 8 packets when you send 4 pings, I just did a test here and 4 pings definately equals 4 packets. Could this be related to you not being able to set your connection speed any higher ??

If you want email me your rules off list and i'll have a look and see if I can see any problems, sometimes a fresh set of eyes helps with simple errors.


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