On 07/22/2005 12:17:56 PM, Karl O. Pinc wrote:

On 07/22/2005 07:55:41 AM, j knight wrote:
Karl O. Pinc wrote:

It's been said on this list before that you can't
queue inbound traffic,

What's the point? By the time these packets reach your box and jump through these hoops, they've already traversed your network link. Any affectiveness that your QoS strategy would've had is gone.

The idea is to trade off a bit of bandwidth for improved
latency when the link's bandwidth is saturated.

The point is to throttle sustained data transfers to below
the maximum data rate of the link.

And seems to me that if you get the network to converge
rapidly on your declared maximum data rate that you can then
prioritize and bandwidth allocate as desired to improve
the user's perceived network experience.

Naturally, one would hope for a net gain in perceived bandwidth.

I would love to hear from an expert or the experienced
as to whether this works.

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