eric wrote:
On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 20:15:12 -0500, Elijah Savage proclaimed...

DNS is mainly udp traffic at least queries are because large DNS queries can now spill over to TCP also. But mainly TCP is left for name server to name server DNS transfers of domains.

Stop spreading these myths.

TCP is used when DNS queries are greater than 512 bytes and are, first,
truncated during the UDP query. The client will retry in TCP. Also, it is
possible to do zone transfers over UDP.
Oh gosh here we go.

Please read my email again. I said it is mainly used by udp but I go on to say large DNS queries can spill over to TCP also. Mean it would be best for him to have both open. DNS will surely use TCP on large multiple queries and I have seen this when looking up And yes you are right you can do zone transfers with UDP but most will not want their DNS transfers blasted out with just UDP.

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