On 4/13/06, Travis H. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just some suggestions.
> 2) Sticky queue assignments.  Using tags for many purposes gets klunky.

This has come up on the list a couple times in the past (at least once
by myself).  Using tags becomes an art when used for this and
eventually you realize that you want tags for more than queues, then
you start getting into some really really nasty logic (and end up with
huge rulesets).

The tricky part of this is the "default" behaviour.  People expect
that if they don't assign a queue, it goes into the default queue. 
Making queues sticky could change this behaviour.  I don't have any
good suggestions for this other than another keyword (sticky-queue or

> 5) Rules symmetric to nat and rdr.  I.E., change dst IP on outbound
> packets, change src IP on inbound packets.

That would be nice, I've certainly found a few instances where I could
have used something like this.

I may decide to tackle #2 myself at some point - the easiest way to do
it is to probably make another rule type other than pass/block and
forget about the 'sticky' part as you could at least put the queue
rules at the tail of your ruleset then.  'spose I oughta clean up the
code I wrote to expose the queues in the state table and submit that
diff for review first.


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