On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 09:49:18AM +0000, Michal Soltys wrote:
> But....
> If I change altq line and set bandwidth to something smaller - like 10Mb
> - problems show up. Throughput on ftp drops brutally to around 150 - 250 Kb 
> Also if I use for example cbq in the following way (regardless if
> bandwidth is or isn't explicitely set, and to what value):
> altq on $int_if bandwidth <whatever> cbq queue {std, ftp, pri, ack}
> queue std bandwidth 2Mb  priority 1 cbq(default)
> queue ftp bandwidth 4Mb  priority 2 cbq
> queue pri bandwidth 2Mb  priority 3 cbq
> queue ack bandwidth 2Mb  priority 4 cbq
> Transfers on ftp are around the same - 150 - 250 Kb, instead of what
> they should be - around 4 Mb

  just to be clear, you're definately not confusing b with B, right?

  eg, when altq/cbq is 4Mb, 'pfctl -vvsq' is saying Kb/s and not Mb/s ?

  not to say it is the cause, but in the case of testing/debugging cbq,
  i'd suggest tossing the priority lines.  let them all rock the default of '1'.
  after you're done and things work as you want, sure, put them back in
  on the 'pri' queue, or all of them if you fancy.

  if i setup the following queues (i have HFSC in my ruleset normally,
  naming them like this allowed me to not disturb the rest of my rules) :

altq on $e cbq bandwidth 100Mb queue {q-nfs q-yp q-smb q-bulk q-ack}
queue q-nfs     bandwidth 2Mb cbq
queue q-yp      bandwidth 4Mb cbq
queue q-smb     bandwidth 2Mb cbq
queue q-bulk    bandwidth 2Mb cbq(default)
queue q-ack     bandwidth 2Mb cbq

  and then add the following to bottom of pf.conf

pass on $e inet proto tcp from any to $TESTHOST port 9999 keep state queue( 
q-yp q-ack )

  and then do a 'nc -l 9999 < /dev/zero' on the test-host, and 'nc $TESTHOST 
9999 > /dev/null'
  from another machine on the LAN,  i see (take note of the bytecount to tell 
you how long
  it ran) :

queue root_fxp0 bandwidth 100Mb priority 0 cbq( wrr root ) {q-nfs, q-yp, q-smb, 
q-bulk, q-ack}
  [ pkts:      39135  bytes:   57231354  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:   294.5 packets/s, 3.46Mb/s ]
queue  q-nfs bandwidth 2Mb
  [ pkts:          2  bytes:        872  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:     0.0 packets/s, 9.24 b/s ]
queue  q-yp bandwidth 4Mb
  [ pkts:      38623  bytes:   57125390  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   9/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:  11443 ]
  [ measured:   291.8 packets/s, 3.45Mb/s ]
queue  q-smb bandwidth 2Mb
  [ pkts:          0  bytes:          0  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:     0.0 packets/s, 0 b/s ]
queue  q-bulk bandwidth 2Mb cbq( default )
  [ pkts:        509  bytes:     105014  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:     2.8 packets/s, 4.95Kb/s ]
queue  q-ack bandwidth 2Mb
  [ pkts:          1  bytes:         78  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:     0.0 packets/s, 0.83 b/s ]
  tested changing altq bw to 12Mb, still OK:

queue root_fxp0 bandwidth 12Mb priority 0 cbq( wrr root ) {q-nfs, q-yp, q-smb, 
q-bulk, q-ack}
  [ pkts:      47780  bytes:   69563473  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:   300.4 packets/s, 3.51Mb/s ]
queue  q-yp bandwidth 4Mb
  [ pkts:      41537  bytes:   61442702  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:  10/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:  12342 ]
  [ measured:   293.7 packets/s, 3.48Mb/s ]

  added '(borrow)' to 'q-yp's cbq parameter:

queue root_fxp0 bandwidth 12Mb priority 0 cbq( wrr root ) {q-nfs, q-yp, q-smb, 
q-bulk, q-ack}
  [ pkts:      46407  bytes:   68365421  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:   747.3 packets/s, 8.81Mb/s ]
queue  q-yp bandwidth 4Mb cbq( borrow )
  [ pkts:      46171  bytes:   68317896  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   3/ 50  borrows:  45802  suspends:      0 ]
  [ measured:   743.7 packets/s, 8.80Mb/s ]

  $TESTHOST is a ppro/200 with not much using it.

  if you don't have the luxury of using another unix host for
  the test ( i find the netcat method to be delightful when testing/debugging
  altq ), you might be able to get away with opening up chargen in
  inetd.conf on the obsd host and then just telnetting to it from the
  windows machine.  as long as your telnet client doesn't suck eggs,
  you should be able to get a not-terribly-bad rendition of the 
  netcat /dev/zero||/dev/null stuff.

  use that to make sure you have your queues setup right and believe
  your config -- then move over to seeing how the "real" client app
  behaves and twiddle as needed.




[ openbsd 3.9-current GENERIC ( mar 15 ) // i386 ]

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