On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 06:32:37PM -0400, Chad M Stewart wrote:

> Perhaps it is just my tired brain but it seems strange  
> that in other rules carp0 is used as the incoming interface.

Maybe Ryan can comment, from


  "When writing the rest of the pf ruleset, it is important to keep in mind
   that from pf's perspective, all traffic comes from the physical
   interface, even if it is routed through the carp address. However, the
   address is of course associated with the carp interface. Therefore, in
   the interface context, such as "pass in on $extif ...", $extif would be
   the physical interface, but in the context of "from $foo" or "to $foo",
   the carp interface should be used, as it's being meant in the address

Does this mean 'antispoof for carp0' is generally (always?) a mistake?

As Chad showed, packets are seen by tcpdump on carp0, are they also
filtered by pf on carp0 (i.e. twice, on carp0 and the real interface)?

Has this changed in the past?


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