Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 18:32 -0400, Chad M Stewart wrote:

For kicks I commented out 'antispoof' and reloaded the rule set. Ah ha, now things are being logged and another issue resolved itself as well.

Try adding "log" to the antispoof directive. This works just like adding
"log" to any other block directive.

Thanks Shawn for that tip. Adding log to the antispoof rule (that lists all interfaces) resulted in a entry in pflog0, stating rule 7 was blocking the packet, which would have been helpful to debug this problem from the start.

I've certainly learned a few things from this debugging experience. Thank you Daniel for your assistance! Once I got the logging output I was expecting, I found my issue with FTP in about 10 seconds. :-)

Thank you,

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