Not a pf expert, but I think you may want to look at tables instead.



On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 07:20:11PM +0100, Xavier ROUX wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to reproduce the example below, given in the FAQ:
> host1 = ""
> host2 = ""
> all_hosts = "{" $host1 $host2 "}"
> This sample works with a host type macro but network type macro, like
> following lines, do not work.
> int_lan = ""
> rel_int_lan = ""
> rel_ext_lan = ""
> lans = "{" $int_lan $rel_int_lan $rel_ext_lan "}"
> I obtain this error:
> # pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf 
> /etc/pf.conf:48: syntax error
> /etc/pf.conf:83: macro 'lans' not defined
> Could you give me the correct syntax?
> Thanks
> Xavier


                 UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Baldric, you wouldn't recognize a subtle plan if it painted itself pur-
 ple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing 'subtle plans are here a-

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