Stuart Henderson <> wrote:
On 2009/04/14 17:37, Helmut Schneider wrote:
What I want to do is to assign the default queue the whole bandwith
(100%) and let e.g. http borrow 5Mb. As I do not know the connection
speed (might be 1GB or 100Mb within the local LAN, but might also be
34Mb for the internet) I guess I need to mix absolute values and
percentages which I currently fail to implement.

you can't really use altq well where you don't know the connection speed.
to work properly when the line is full, you need to restrict it to the
lowest speed your connection might be running at, and take into account
any other users (unless all traffic on the line is going through this

Actually I do traffic shaping at the border router but I was looking for a more sophisticated solution to restrict bandwidth for certain services at the host itself (e.g. to limit ftp servers' upload speed to the internet).

altq running on the proxy may well not be the correct tool for the
job here. maybe squid connection pools, or something else, are more
appropriate. or maybe altq on another machine/cluster (e.g. a
firewall) sitting between the router and the entire network might
be a good choice.

I'm currently thinking about the latter, to put it between the router and the firewall as a pure traffic shaping solution. Meanwhile I use the following values:

altq on $extIF cbq bandwidth 1000Mb queue { std, traf_ext }
queue std bandwidth 990Mb cbq(default borrow)
queue traf_ext bandwidth 10Mb { traf_ext_ftp, traf_ext_http }
queue traf_ext_ftp bandwidth 50% cbq(borrow)
queue traf_ext_http bandwidth 50% cbq(borrow)

Thanks to both of you, Helmut

No Swen today, my love has gone away
My mailbox stands for lorn, a symbol of the dawn

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