On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 1:30 AM Sahil Harpal <sahilharpal1...@gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> Regarding the storage tab and the disk information charts, we have decided
> to display two charts:
>    1. A pie chart to represent the proportion of total space.
>    2. A bar chart to display the space available and used.
> However, I'm facing an issue with the output of a query, as it is
> returning null values for "mount_point" and "drive_letter," and the same
> names for "file_system." This makes it difficult to distinguish between
> different disks.
Please share the exact output of the query to get any suggestions.

-- Ashesh

> We need to find a suitable label or identifier to distinguish all the
> disks correctly. Any suggestions or solutions to this problem?
> Please find the attached image showing the output of a query for your
> reference.
> Thanks,
> Sahil

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