Florian G. Pflug wrote:
> Raphaël Enrici wrote:
>>I have warning concerning ENABLE_STATIC in configure script. Shouldn't
>>we also remove it crom configure.ac ? (patch attached).
> Does this mean the linking statically is not possible anymore?
> Or has the check just moved to another place?

To me, as Adam is making the build relying on wx-config flags, the build
 is considered static if wxWid was built with --disabled-shared passed
to  its configure. In the case where wxWidgets has been built with
--enable-shared, pgadmin will inherit this default and build dynamically
(same thing if both shared and static wxWid libs were built, the shared
build will become the default...).
Maybe it would be worth to still being able to force a static build by
passing "--static" to wx-config in our acinclude.m4. Something like :
if we pas --enable-static to our configure, then pass --static to
wx-config so that we build statically, if not then don't pass anything
in particular.

Adam ?


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