Adam H. Pendleton wrote:
> On May 19, 2005, at 4:30 PM, Raphaėl Enrici wrote:
>>Adam H. Pendleton wrote:
>>I'm glad to be so "rare"... It seems I belong to the 1%: I have a
>>dynamic build. ;)
>>Please also note that the patch attached reintroduce your code
>>concerning the static link of the rest of the libs (libpq and sons).
>>However, you are the ac guru and I'm fully satisfied by a dynamic
>>linking with the new acinclude.m4 (+ the patch).
>>The real question is:
>>- do we still need "full" static linking (at least libpq, ssl,..?).
>>If yes, then the new acinclude.m4 does not provide it anymore and we
>>need to rework on it.
> Are you saying that `wx-config --libs` and `wx-config --libs -- 
> static` produce two different outputs on your system?  If you built  
> wx dynamically then either a) the output from --libs --static is  
> nonsense, or b) it's the same as --libs.  Either way, the current  
> acinclude will link the same way you linked wx.

What I'm trying to say is this:
I've a dynamic only build. So, wx-config --libs is ok. wx-config
--static --libs gives an error.
According to what I understand from the wx-config --help output is:
if I had both built and would like to get informations concerning the
static wxWid libs, then I'd need to pass --static to wx-config. Right?

> As for the full static linking, --enable-static never performed a  
> full static link, it only statically linked against wxWindows.   
> Personally, I don't like static linking.  It creates huge  
> executables, eats up memory, and slows down performance.  We should  
> link dynamically wherever possible.

yup, _I HATE STATIC BUILDS TOO_ :)) But, it seems that at least for
Florian this is important. The latest patch I sent just does two things:
a) force static parameters of wxWid, just in case the wx-config --libs
would not give the _static_ lib informations when both shared and static
are installed on the system.
b) re-introduce the pg_static_build=yes variable which is later
interpreted just as in previous versions because the old code is still

Does it makes sens? (in case someone for some bad or good reason need a
95% static build)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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