On May 19, 2005, at 3:24 PM, Florian G. Pflug wrote:

Raphaėl Enrici wrote:

Florian G. Pflug wrote:

Raphaėl Enrici wrote:

I have warning concerning ENABLE_STATIC in configure script. Shouldn't
we also remove it crom configure.ac ? (patch attached).

Does this mean the linking statically is not possible anymore?
Or has the check just moved to another place?

To me, as Adam is making the build relying on wx-config flags, the build
is considered static if wxWid was built with --disabled-shared passed
to its configure. In the case where wxWidgets has been built with
--enable-shared, pgadmin will inherit this default and build dynamically
(same thing if both shared and static wxWid libs were built, the shared
build will become the default...).

Will a statically-built wx make the _whole_ pgadmin link statically too,
or will only the wx-libraries be linkes statically and e.g. libpq dynamically. It would be the right thing to do, I guess - but then there
would be need for a global "--enable-static" flag, that defined
the linking-type for all other libs beside wx. At least for OSX,
linking the release-versions statically it the most reliable method,
while keeping the resulting app small.

I ran into some real problems trying to link the whole app statically, especially on Linux. There is a flag that can be passed (to ld I think) that makes all linking static, but IIRC I found that some linux libraries didn't like that much, and would require dynamic linking. Besides, in this day and age, there really isn't any reason to completely statically link, except for debugging purposes, and it's really only statically linking against wx that we care about in that case.

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