Are you running this import into a database in Linux environment or a Windows 
environment ?

I am guessing (I could be wrong), it has something to do with control 
characters in your datafile such as ^M or ^H, which are usually visible if you 
edit the file in a Linux host using 'vi' editor.

And what is the import command are you using, is it a COPY command ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Scobey Weaver <>
Sent: Thursday, 28 May 2020 6:11 AM
Subject: Import question

I'm taking a skillshare course and creating my own tables.  I tried to import 
some data from a csv file and it didn't work. I thought I had done it just like 
the example on the video, and also checked some other online sources which 
seemed to do it the same way.

Attached is the file I'm trying to import.

The table I'm importing to was created as follows:

     id integer NOT NULL,
     "Market" character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT markets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
     CONSTRAINT unique_market UNIQUE ("Market")

TABLESPACE pg_default;

     OWNER to postgres;
     IS 'Market used as the price index (posted, Platts, Opis, Argus, etc...)';

The import fails with the following error:  Failed (exit code -6)

I can't find "exit code -6" anywhere.  What's wrong with my import?

I've had one reply to this that brought up encoding.  I left the encoding blank 
at first, as did the instructor in the skillshare video. Since then I've tried 
the UTF8 suggested by the person who brought it up.  I also tried BIG5, EUC_CN, 
SQL_ASCII and WIN1250.

All efforts ended with the same result. Is there a list of exit codes anywhere? 
 What's "exit code -6"?



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