Hi Scobey,

Can you please share the table DDL with some sample records CSV to simulate
the issue at our end ?

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM Scobey Weaver <scobe...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Dear Aditya,
> I did click on more details. I've attached a screen shot of the result.
> Thanks,
> Scobey
> On 5/28/20 12:06 AM, Aditya Toshniwal wrote:
> Hi Scobey,
> Did you click on more details on the import progress notifier ? It would
> give you more logs to help.
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 6:52 AM Ahmed, Nawaz (Fuji Xerox Australia) <
> nawaz.ah...@aus.fujixerox.com> wrote:
>> Are you running this import into a database in Linux environment or a
>> Windows environment ?
>> I am guessing (I could be wrong), it has something to do with control
>> characters in your datafile such as ^M or ^H, which are usually visible if
>> you edit the file in a Linux host using 'vi' editor.
>> And what is the import command are you using, is it a COPY command ?
>> ~
>> Nawaz
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scobey Weaver <scobe...@verizon.net>
>> Sent: Thursday, 28 May 2020 6:11 AM
>> To: pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org
>> Subject: Import question
>> I'm taking a skillshare course and creating my own tables.  I tried to
>> import some data from a csv file and it didn't work. I thought I had done
>> it just like the example on the video, and also checked some other online
>> sources which seemed to do it the same way.
>> Attached is the file I'm trying to import.
>> The table I'm importing to was created as follows:
>> CREATE TABLE public.markets
>> (
>>      id integer NOT NULL,
>>      "Market" character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>>      CONSTRAINT markets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
>>      CONSTRAINT unique_market UNIQUE ("Market")
>> )
>> TABLESPACE pg_default;
>> ALTER TABLE public.markets
>>      OWNER to postgres;
>> COMMENT ON TABBLE public.markets
>>      IS 'Market used as the price index (posted, Platts, Opis, Argus,
>> etc...)';
>> The import fails with the following error:  Failed (exit code -6)
>> I can't find "exit code -6" anywhere.  What's wrong with my import?
>> I've had one reply to this that brought up encoding.  I left the encoding
>> blank at first, as did the instructor in the skillshare video. Since then
>> I've tried the UTF8 suggested by the person who brought it up.  I also
>> tried BIG5, EUC_CN, SQL_ASCII and WIN1250.
>> All efforts ended with the same result. Is there a list of exit codes
>> anywhere?  What's "exit code -6"?
>> Thanks,
>> Scobey
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> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Aditya Toshniwal
> pgAdmin Hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | EnterpriseDB India | Pune
> "Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

Thanks and Regards,
Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin Hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | EnterpriseDB India | Pune
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

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