Yes that's a typo (the only time I didn't do a copy/paste).

The sequence is:

1. Make sure no pgAdmin4 processes are running.
2. Make sure no python processes are running.
3. Launch pgAdmin4 from Applications menu.
4. pgAdmin4 splash appears - the nice blue one.
5. The Fatal Error window appears with text below with
6. Note that a process is running called pgAdmin4 and showing a command
of: /usr/pgAdmin4-v1/runtime/pgAdmin4. This aligns with what is coded
into /usr/share/applications/pgAdmin4-v1.desktop. This is stock from
the install.
7. Note that no python process is running. (as one would expect given
the error message).
8. Then I hit the OK button in the Fatal Error window.
9. It all goes away, including the process in step 6 above.
10. When this happens an abrt-hook-ccpp log is generated, which I can
send if it will help. 
11. I confirm that there is no prompt for paths.

My sincere apologies for the typo below; it is unhelpful to add errors
into debug data.

Anyway, I am at your service for further debug attempts.


On Wed, 2017-02-01 at 09:25 +0000, Dave Page wrote:
> Hi
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 6:49 PM, stancs3 <> wrote:
> > 
> > Attached is the desktop launcher copied from
> > /usr/share/applications/.
> > This was created from the install.
> > 
> > Error resulting:
> > 
> > "An error occurred initialising the application server:
> > 
> > Failed to locate, terminating server thread."
> Does it really say If so, that's not our code.
> > 
> > This does not give you much further info. I can provide more debug
> > info
> > if it will help; I am game to be coached on what/how to collect.
> When you click OK on the message above (assuming it does actually say
>, not, it should prompt you for the paths.
> Does it not do that?
> > 
> > Your previous comment re a WIP for repo install: if it would simply
> > be
> > better if I was to go the compile route, I am fine with this. I did
> > it
> > for pgadmin3 a few months ago ... and it was good. On the other
> > hand, a
> > nice repo install is likely the goal for us user dudes :).
> Devrim and I will be spending some time, probably next week, fixing
> the RPMs. We've had a small re-org at work which make it much easier
> to allocate some of his time for this :-).
> Unfortunately I doubt the compile route will help here. The Python
> code and the runtime are independent pieces of code - the runtime
> should locate the Python code based on it's configuration, not any
> build settings.

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