Many thanks! I will get to testing it very soon. 

I just got some pdns servers working (pg backend; and therefore a nice
pgadmin3 way of verifying what's going on). And, I just got my first
'shiny' free-ipa server up. Lot's to keep busy with.


On Fri, 2017-02-17 at 13:26 +0000, Dave Page wrote:
> Hi
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 6:10 PM, stancs3 <> wrote:
> > 
> > Great, thanks Dave. I figured I would let it rest to allow you to
> > prioritize.
> > 
> > As indicated before I am willing to do debug cases if it will help.
> > The
> > one key fact is that since I started trying to launch a desktop
> > version, it has not been successful even once. Again, not a
> > complaint,
> > just a data point; if I am the only one then it must be my problem
> > staring me in the face - wouldn't be the first time .....
> OK, so I got it working on F25 (sorry it wasn't earlier - this week
> has been crazy busy).
> Until the RPMs are updated, here's what you can do:
> - Install the PGDG 9.6 repo:
> 6_64/pgdg-fedora96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm
> - Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg-96-fedora.repo and set all repos to have
> "enabled=0" except for pgdg96-updates-testing, which should have
> "enabled=1"
> - As root, run:
> dnf install pgadmin4-v1 python3-htmlmin
> - As root, run:
> cp -r /etc/pgadmin /etc/xdg/
> On a clean installation of F25, I could then run pgAdmin in the
> desktop runtime, either from the UI or by running /usr/bin/pgadmin4.
> However, for reasons as-yet unknown to me, the UI seems to be
> defaulting to Chinese. I suspect this is something to do with the way
> Qt may have been built on this platform. Anyway, that can be easily
> fixed by running this as root:
> cat << EOF > /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pgadmin4-
> web/
>     'en': 'English'
> }

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