[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jose Mendoza") writes:
> How can be efectivly configured the PostgreSQL to run in a machine
> with 2 CPUs Xeon 2.4 GHz and 4GB of RAM? The PostgreSQL work with
> the 2 processors?
> I had run tests and the tiems is always the same that in a computer
> with 1 CPU pentium 4   2.4GHz and 2GB RAM.
> I intend to use the postgreSQL in several projects that requiere to
> attend about 1000 - 2500 users in a chain of retail stores. Is is
> that possible? Or is beyond that the postgresql possibilities?

Well, if the tests that you have done have been presented, serially,
to one connection, then they were all submitted to one backend
process, in order, and you couldn't expect to get any benefit from
having multiple CPUs.

If you want to test how things scale with 2 CPUs and a whole bunch of
users, what you most importantly have to do is to simulate the "whole
bunch of users" part.  You should set up programs, perhaps running on
10 computers, that generate traffic to resemble the actions of 1000

If you build a more proper test, you should find that the extra CPU
does make some difference.  But if all that you do amounts to running
a single serial report, you surely won't see that...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="libertyrms.info" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Christopher Browne
(416) 646 3304 x124 (land)

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