Alex Page wrote:

It all comes down to what you're trying to protect your data *from*. If
you're trying to protect it from people sniffing network traffic between
clients and the server, then SSL is sensible. If you're trying to
protect against somebody reading passwords out of a database and using
them to impersonate other users, use MD5 (or SHA) hashing.

Yep. And the previously-mentioned concept of encrypting identifying data (name, contact info) per-user using their password as the key would also be a great complement. If their password was ever lost, then you would only have to verify their identity and have them select a new password. I think I will implement this scheme in my next weblication just to see how it would look and work...

If you're trying to protect against somebody taking down your server
room door with a sledgehammer, lifting your server out of the rack,
driving it away and booting off an alternative medium to avoid needing
to know your root password, then a loopback encrypted partition (or data
encrypted in GPG where the decryption key is not stored on the database
server) is a sensible precaution.

In my entire career, the only time I have lost a server to compromise was just that - the physical threat. I had a development server in an office location, and the perpetrator simply climbed over the walls (through the ceiling tiles) to get into the office. NOTE: Their elevator key was supposed to have been deactivated, or they would never had access to my floor. So this was a double-whammy security failure by both myself and the building's security. Never again!

I expect that for most database users, it comes down to meeting the
standards defined by law rather than realistic expectations of an attack
- I expect that most of the situations we attempt to prevent are
unlikely in the extreme, but we have various contractual and legal
obligations which mean we have to defend against them anyway.

If this list could come up with a solid approach that supported these requirements, that would be a huge win on a global scale :)

Here is my proposal, and I'd like to see if it could pass muster on this list:

The only identifier for the account would be the login, all other contact data (phone, name, address etc.) would be encrypted before storage by (blowfish, twofish, AES, your choice), using the password as the key. Password is stored in the database hashed by MD5. You could steal the database and all the data, but no contact information could be decrypted, as each account has had their personal information encrypted with a different key.

What do the rest of you think?

Of course, this loopback encryption with a boot-time passphrase may fail
if they take the rackmount UPS as *well*, and keep the machine powered
at all times ;)

Two problems I see with this:

1) I've never seen a quad-xeon live on a UPS for more than 90 seconds
2) They will probably fail to get the external RAID storage unit


-- Mitch

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