Alle 21:29, venerd́ 5 marzo 2004, Bruno Wolff III ha scritto:
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 20:12:37 +0000,
>   Silvana Di Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > BTW: if you have a USA-based company and collect info regarding Italian
> > people, you have to comply with this absurd Italian law. Funny, isn't it?
> Only if you are going to come within reach of Italian LE. I doubt Bush
> will let Italy extradite and business people from the US who violate
> this law.

I agree. We are still waiting the american pilot of the A3 Intruder that 
crashed down a ropeway on our mountains in (I think) 1996 and killed 20 
people. He was promoted the last year and still flies (but this time on _USA_ 
mountains, for our sake...).

Humor apart, there are already a few cases of privacy law violations of this 
kind being examined by our authority. It looks like that the foreing web 
sites that violated this law will be obscurated. Considering that this law 
will slowly spread UE-wide, I will take it seriously even if I worked from 

See you

Alessandro Bottoni and Silvana Di Martino

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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