kandiah ratnavale wrote:
> I downloaded postgresql (client, server and libs) but cannot complete
> installation for want of the libraries listed below
>          libcrypto.so.2 is needed by postgresql-7.2.3-2PGDG
>          libssl.so.2 is needed by postgresql-7.2.3-2PGDG
>          libcrypto.so.2 is needed by postgresql-libs-7.2.3-2PGDG
>          libssl.so.2 is needed by postgresql-libs-7.2.3-2PGDG
>          libcrypto.so.2 is needed by postgresql-server-7.2.3-2PGDG
>          libssl.so.2 is needed by postgresql-server-7.2.3-2PGDG
> Could someone be gracious enough to let me know how I can get these
> libraries and complete the installation?

Look for a package named openssl or similar.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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