Hey folks,

   I'm running 8.0.4 on OpenBSD, and I'm running into issues where
a large batch job will fire up and occasionally coincide with a
VACUUM.  Which then makes this batch take an hour and a half,
rather than the 30 minutes it usually takes.  :(

   I am going to upgrade to 8.1.2 this weekend, before you ask.  :)

   Here's the question - is there a query I can make in my scripts
(using perl/DBD::Pg) to see if the database is being VACUUMed at
the current time?  I could add a sleep, so the script would
patiently wait for the VACUUM to finish before kicking off several
intense queries.

   Thanks much!


"'And you've got 10 gig of files to put through our mail system?' I
ask, squeezing my mouse in a non-approved manner." -- BOFH, 2006-01

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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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