On Jul 20, 2007, at 8:19 AM, Christoph Heibl wrote:

I' ve been trying to mirror the harddisk of my old mac via firewire on my new computer (Intel Core Duo, OS 10.4.10) which resulted fairly well expect that my postgreSQL got screwed up. I then tried to install it once more, but this failed. I guess I did not remove all the remaining files before installation and I ended up with this failure:

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Christoph-Heibls-Computer:~/src/postgresql-8.2.4 Stoffi$ ./configure

Christoph-Heibls-Computer:~/src/postgresql-8.2.4 Stoffi$ make

[....]  All of PostgreSQL successfully made. Ready to install.

Christoph-Heibls-Computer:~/src/postgresql-8.2.4 Stoffi$ make install
make -C doc install
gzip -d -c ./postgres.tar.gz | ( cd /usr/local/pgsql/doc/html && / usr/bin/tar xf - )
/usr/bin/tar: index.html: Cannot open: File exists

Why not just move (or delete) the existing PostgreSQL directory before make install?

If you want to check out what is already there, start Terminal and type:

open /usr/local/pgsql

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL

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